%%| label: fig-mermaid
%%| fig-cap: A mermaid graph
graph LR
A[qmd] --> B(Knitr)
A[qmd] --> C(Jupyter)
B(Knitr) --> D[md]
C(Jupyter) --> D[md]
D[md] --> E(pandoc)
E(pandoc) --> F(HTML)
E(pandoc) --> G(PDF)
E(pandoc) --> H(Word)
E(pandoc) --> I{and more}
How to use DiagrammeR+Mermaid?
Short answer: Don’t!
What I want to do
I want to use the R package DiagrammeR
to customise a Mermaid.js diagram.
I learned to use Mermaid.js to embed reproducible diagrams in quarto documents. Mermaid.js in under active development, syntax and features change from version to version.
Usually Mermaid code can be embeded in a quarto document like this:
This is the same diagramm code as the figure shown here.
However, when loading the library DiagrammeR
in a document, it will call a fixed version of mermaid. This means that it is stuck with a slightly outdated syntax, and that usually means sacrificing some features. Mixing mermaid
code blocks and diagrams created within R code blocks in the same document will have unexpected results.
I am slightly inclined against using DiagrammeR
for mermaid plots, but I am still testing options.
- https://rdrr.io/cran/DiagrammeR/src/R/mermaid.R
- https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/100mbuh/mermaid_diagram_not_working/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58689080/mermaid-diagrams-not-rendering-correctly-in-rmarkdown-xaringan-presentations
Steps in R
Load the libraries:
Loading required package: htmlwidgets
<- DiagrammeR::mermaid("
example1 graph LR;
A((Orange)) --> B((Grey));
classDef orange fill:#f96;
classDef grey fill:#d3d3d3;
class A orange;
class B grey;
<- DiagrammeR("
example2 graph LR
A[qmd] --> B(Knitr)
A[qmd] --> C(Jupyter)
B(Knitr) --> D[md]
C(Jupyter) --> D[md]
D[md] --> E(pandoc)
E(pandoc) --> F(HTML)
E(pandoc) --> G(PDF)
E(pandoc) --> H(Word)
E(pandoc) --> I{and more}"
<- mermaid("
example3 sequenceDiagram
participant ParticipantA
participant ParticipantB
participant ParticipantC
ParticipantA->>ParticipantB: I want something
ParticipantB->>ParticipantC: he want something
ParticipantC->>ParticipantB: here is something
ParticipantB->>ParticipantA: he got something for you
", height = '100%', width = '100%')
Direct output (no <iframe>
# same as: widgetframe::frameableWidget(example1)
With an <iframe>
created with widgetframe
::frameWidget(example1, height=200) widgetframe
::frameWidget(example2, height=300) widgetframe
::frameWidget(example3, height=500) widgetframe